Dining Out with Kids – Making it Healthier
Dining out with kids is not always easy. And even if it is, you are often left feeling guilty that your child just ate a plate of 100% fried, tan foods. (Seriously, is it so hard for a restaurant to serve some carrot sticks with those chicken fingers, at least?)
Dining Out Is a Treat
Dining out should be a treat for you and the kids. So, my primary strategy is to try to keep it that way. If your kids eat out once or twice a week, let them order what they want and just sit back and enjoy. It’s not worth stressing about two out of their 20+ meals of the week.
But whether it’s because of summer vacation, traveling, a kitchen renovation, or a busy sports schedule, there are times when we find ourselves eating out a lot more often. And that’s okay. So, while it might not feel healthy for the credit card bill at the end of the month, here are some strategies to make most of those restaurant meals a little healthier.

1 – Try to choose a restaurant with healthy options.
If you take your kids to a place that serves only fried food, chances are it will be hard for them to make a healthy choice! Seek out restaurants that offer a variety of healthy, fresh foods, but take care not to fall for healthy-sounding foods such as organic soda or all-natural french fries.
2 – Order off the grown-up menu.
I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that the kid’s menu often consists of fried and cheesy options. My kids get excited about these foods since we rarely have them at home, so I usually let them order what they want. But I know families with young kids who order off the grown-up menu and then share these meals with their kids, family style. This is terrific since you can often get so many healthier choices this way.
3 – Order some color for your kids.
If your kids go for the starchy, cheesy meal, you can still add some color to their plate by ordering a side salad or a bowl of steamed broccoli for them to share. Explain to them the importance of a colorful plate, and then give them two or three side options to choose from.
4 – Follow the one-fried food per plate strategy.
This strategy is suitable for young and old alike. Stick to one fried food per plate. So if you go for the chicken fingers, have pasta and a salad on the side. If your child adores fries, pair it with a small burger or grilled fish, ideally, some colorful veggies. Of course, remember that this is not a rule. It’s also totally ok to get a plate filled with fried foods, but fried foods can add up fast when you eat out often!
5 – Do you want lemonade or dessert?
My kids love lemonade and dessert. When we go out to eat, I usually have them pick one. Do they want extra sugar with their drink or their dessert? Usually, they opt for water, which is great and brings me to my next point.
6 – Drink water.
If we go out to eat more than once a week, I try hard to ensure we all get water to drink most of the time. I lead by example and explain to my kids that water is also better for the budget. This way, when they do get lemonade or I get a glass of wine, it’s a real treat, the way it should be.
Dining Out with Older Kids
I realize that once kids reach a certain age, they meet up at the local pizza joint or convenience store almost daily. And then, before you know it, they are in college and probably eating pizza almost daily. This is all part of growing up and establishing their independence. Let them decide what to eat when outside the house. But at home, it’s still the parents’ job to make sure their adolescents are consistently offered balanced meals. In addition, helping your child develop a good relationship with food is just as important.
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This post was originally published in 2015. It was updated in 2024.
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