10 Non-Diet Books That Inspire

Here are 10 non-diet books that inspire. Whether you want to shift away from diet culture, learn more about intuitive eating, or enjoy a cookbook without diet language, I have you covered!

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

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It seems that both social media and traditional media are finally talking more about the benefits of ditching diet culture and diets. That said, these non-diet posts and articles are still a minority in our diet and body-focused world.

This time of year diet culture is especially prevalent: from talks of “quitting sugar” to “resets” to “pantry overhauls.” To help remind you of the many benefits of ditching diet culture, I have rounded up 10 of my favorite non-diet books. I hope that maybe one of them will intrigue you to learn more too.

10 Non-Diet Books That Inspire

1. The Original Intuitive Eating Book

Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition

by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

If you want to really dig into intuitive eating, look no further than the original source. Currently in its 4th edition, this is the book that revolutionized the idea of ditching dieting and instead improving your relationship with food and your body.

2. Intuitive Eating for Every Day

Intuitive Eating for Every Day: 365 Daily Practices & Inspirations to Rediscover the Pleasures of Eating

by Evelyn Tribole

If you want everyday intuitive eating inspiration and guidance, this is the book for you. This book also makes a great gift to someone new to intuitive eating.

Just as the sun nourishes plants to grow and bloom, Food turns into my body, Into living cells, living tissue, living organs. May I be in awe and appreciation of the transformation of food into body!

Meal meditation excerpt from “Intuitive Eating for Every Day”, Day 341, Nourishment is Transformation

3. Raising Kids to be Intuitive Eaters

How to Raise an Intuitive Eater

by Sumner Brooks and Amee Severson

An essential read for all parents, this book guides you through the process of raising kids with positive food and body relationships. With evidence-based information and real-life examples, you will get the facts and tools you need to parent in the era of diet culture.

4. Challenging the Current Beauty and Body Standards

More Than a Body

by Lindsey Kite and Lexie Kite

This book is a must-read for teens and adults alike as it challenges the idea that a woman’s health, happiness, and lovability, are directly correlated with how she looks. It offers a step-by-step guide on how to dismantle self-objectification and develop a positive body image.

5. Understanding the Anti-Diet Movement

Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating

by Christy Harrison

This book will forever change the way you view diet culture and the diet and wellness industry. It examines the history of dieting and is filled with well-researched science. Another must-read in my opinion!

To your body, diets (or “lifestyle changes,” or “eating plans,” or whatever they call themselves now) feel like famine. Even the most seemingly gentle diet pulls the pendulum to the side of restriction. When that happens, your body’s natural response is to push the pendulum back to the other side–to eating a lot, feeling out of control with food, even bingeing.

Anti-Diet excerpt, Chapter 3, How DIet Culture Steals Your Time, page 95

6. Examining the Oppressive Roots Behind our Views on Body Image

The Body is Not an Apology

by Sonya Renee Taylor

This New York Times bestseller explains how radical self-love is the key to healing the wounds inflicted by our violent and oppressive systems. This book will change the way you view our current society and inspire you to make changes for both yourself and all those around you. Moreover, it’s a page-turner that will have you hooked from page one.

7. A Guide to Food Freedom

Unapologetic Eating

by Alissa Rumsey

Have you ever dieted or tried to somehow change your body so that it’s more socially acceptable? If so, this gem of a book provides a guide to help you make peace with food, trust your intuition, improve your body image, and finally eat and live without apologies.

Most of the differences we see in health outcomes between people in smaller bodies and larger bodies likely have to do with weight stigma, rather than weight itself.

Unapologetic Eating excerpt, Chapter 3: The Truth About Health, Nutrition, and Weight, page 71

8. Body Image and Boys

Being You – The Body Image Book for Boys

by Charlotte Markey, Daniel Hart, and Douglas N. Zacher

While there is a lot of focus on girls and body image struggles, the truth is boys are struggling too. Many boys have unhealthy behaviors such as a preoccupation with “bulking” or restricting carbs. Overall, rates of eating disorders among boys are on the rise. This book is written for preteen and early teen boys to help them develop a positive body image.

9. Gentle Nutrition in Practice

Gentle Nutrition

by Rachel Hartley

This is a great little book that focuses on the 10th principle of intuitive eating: Gentle Nutrition. Rachel provides practical, non-diet nutrition information along with simple, satisfying recipes complete with beautiful photos.

10. A Cookbook with the Non-Diet Mentality

Simply Julia: 110 Easy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Food

by Julia Turshen

One of my current go-to cookbooks, this gem has a little something for everyone–from vegetarians to meat lovers to bakers. Julia is a lovable author who in this book also writes about her struggles with weight and body image.

Closing Words

I hope you feel inspired to check out one or more of these amazing books. As a reminder, I also have a non-diet breakfast e-book that is perfect for everyday breakfast or snack inspiration. In addition, I will soon be coming out with a fika e-book. The goal of this book is to inspire you to indulge in the daily Swedish habit of fika. Fika is the act of taking a mindful coffee and snack break. (Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter and be the first to know when it’s available!)

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