The Swedish Concept of Lagom and Intuitive Eating

Lagom is a Swedish word and concept that means “just the right amount”; this concept has a lot in common with intuitive eating.

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How Intuitive Eating Affects Health Markers

Studies have shown that Intuitive Eating benefits a variety of health markers, impacting the risk of developing health conditions.

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Nourished Eating for Teens – A Visual Approach

Whether you are a parent or caregiver, there may be times when you wonder about what nourished eating for teens should look like. Here’s a simple guide to help you.

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The Best Cardamom Carrot Zucchini Muffins

These cardamom carrot zucchini muffins are whole grain, veggie-packed, and studded with chocolate chips. They are a perfect combination of nourishing and delicious that your whole family will love.

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The Connection Between Intuitive Eating and Diabetes

One of the most commonly asked questions about Intuitive Eating is if people with health conditions such as diabetes can do it.

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From Stress Eating to Comfort Food: Understanding Emotional Eating

Whether we are feeling sad, anxious, or stressed, it’s common to turn to food for support. Developing an understanding of the causes of our emotional eating while also learning to treat ourselves with more compassion, can help us make changes that lead to improved health and well-being.

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