intuitive eating movement

What Started the Intuitive Eating Movement?

The concept of intuitive eating has become more well-known over recent years. But what started the intuitive eating movement in the first place? And why is it growing in popularity? The History of Intuitive Eating The premise of intuitive eating was first described in 1995 when Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN and Elyse Resch, MS, RDN […]

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Health Benefits of Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating comes with an array of health benefits–from improved cholesterol to greater life satisfaction. Read on to learn more. The health benefits of intuitive eating have been documented in over 100 studies. They include everything from improved cholesterol to a lower risk of eating disorders. In addition, many of the benefits are related to […]

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10 Non-Diet Books That Inspire

Here are 10 non-diet books that inspire. Whether you want to shift away from diet culture, learn more about intuitive eating, or enjoy a cookbook without diet language, I have you covered!

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How to Create Satisfying Snacks

Wondering how you can create more satisfying snacks? Read on to get these gentle nutrition tips… Why Focus on Satisfaction? Satisfaction is considered the hub of intuitive eating. In an ideal world, all our meals, activities, thoughts, and other daily happenings would be satisfying. Of course, that isn’t going to be the case all the […]

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Intuitive Eating for Teens

Intuitive eating for teens is not always intuitive in this era of diet culture. But intuitive eating it’s perhaps the most essential nutrition concept for parents and teens to understand.

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